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    "All Function One"

    Interview with Dave Pen (Archive & BirdPen)

    Interview von Anne
    04.02.2021 — Lesezeit: 7 min
    Deutsche Version lesen
    "All Function One"

    I saw Dave Pen live on stage for the first time in 2004, shortly after he had joined Archive. The music of his two projects Archive and BirdPen fascinates me anew every time. Each new record picks me up exactly where I am in my current stage of life. Without these two bands, my record collection and taste in music wouldn't be complete.

    Dave Pen and Mike Bird aka BirdPen have recently released the second single from their upcoming new album "All Function One" which they are planning to release in March. As waiting to listen to the full album is getting more exciting every day, I spoke with the singer and guitarist about the production of the 12 new songs, his experiences with BirdPen and Archive, and life as a musician during the pandemic.

    Anne:  How are you doing today? Thanks again for taking the time for this! I am so excited about getting to know two of my favourite musicians. The music by BirdPen and Archive accompanies me for such a long time now. You've just put out the second song from your upcoming new BirdPen album "All Function One" which you will release on March, 5th. Can you explain why you chose "Invisible" and "Function" to be pre-released? Do they represent the album in general or are we awaiting this one big surprise when you will unveil the whole album?

    "We wanted our fans to be involved"

    Dave Pen, Mike Bird – Archive, BirdPenDave Pen, Mike Bird aka BirdPen

    Dave:  We've put out "Function" as we wanted to launch this album by incorporating our fans which we did by having them in the video. "Function" is kind of an anti single really and sets the tone of what the album is about. "Invisible" doesn't come till later on in the album, but we enjoyed making this song so much we wanted it to be a single. Lyrically we think it has good meaning too and gives some hope in these dark times.

    Anne:  "All Function One" – sounds as if there is a story behind the album. Does it tell one? Did you follow a particular concept when you were composing the songs?

    "Digital Sadness inspired us"

    Dave: Yes we did! We came into this album with the ideas about isolation and the fear of the outside world. We were inspired by subjects such as Digital sadness, Deep Fakes, Paranoia. When Covid began to unravel, everything we were writing about actually started to happen to everyone which was quite scary. We really think this album touches on everything that's happened in the last 12 months or so.

    Anne:  Overall: How long did it take you to make "All Function One"?

    Dave: We had two writing and recording sessions at a converted barn in Brockenhurst in the New Forest. We always go into a new album from scratch and start writing and recording at the same time. I think we really capture the energy of new things this way and it's how we've always worked. These sessions were for around ten days each I believe, which also included going to record drums for two days in another studio in Fleet, Hampshire called Sunshine Corner Studios.

    BirdPen and the lockdown

    We did some more pre-production before finally mixing the album in Sweden where Mike lives. Mike had to take the reigns solo as the lockdown was looming and I got a refund on my flight as was too paranoid about travelling because of Covid. A few days after Mike started the final mix, the UK went into full lockdown. We then had to wait to master the album as Abbey Road shut! But all in all, we got the whole thing done in around a month if you add up the days.

    Anne:  So this is how your work on the album in times of the pandemic distinguished from your past productions?

    "We love working at Abbey Road"

    Dave: We were fortunate as we managed to finish all of the recordings before the lockdowns began so we didn't have to work on recording things remotely. We then had to wait until Abbey Road opened up again and weren't allowed to go for the mastering session with Frank Arkwright, which was a shame as we always go. Its fantastic being at Abbey Road, The cafe there is amazing, and it's such a special place to walk up those stairs and actually work there. Everything else we've just all done online, arranging the release etc.

    Anne:  As a musician of experience: Is there something you would recommend young bands for recording their first album?

    Dave: Always make what you want to make, do it for yourselves. That first album is always a statement so do something you are happy with for yourselves, it's yours, from your minds so be free with it!

    Anne:  As active and founding members in both bands, BirdPen and Archive, which of them do you consider your home base? Would you say one is the heart and one is the head?

    "Archive is family"

    Archive @Docks Hamburg 2016-11-22Archive @Docks Hamburg 2016-11-22

    Dave: I think it's a real privilege to be in such two wonderful outlets. Archive is a family and has been for so many years now. Both Mike and I have learnt and created so much with Darius and Danny. We were friends before ever working together, so there is a special bond there. BirdPen is more straight from two heads and is maybe a bit more organic than Archive as there isn't as much to think about in a way.

    BirdPen is simpler and more guitar and lyrically driven, whereas Archive is a lot more complex. Both stand by themselves. I think but also compliment each other too, well on the songs I'm singing on anyway.

    Anne:  This is weird times. We all need to abstain from things we love. Especially live music seems to be very far away at the moment. How do you deal with that? Do you miss touring?

    "Not being able to go on tour with our new album is hard"

    BirdPen All Function One

    Dave: It's been bizarre. We were very lucky that we did a huge tour with Archive just before the end of 2019 so we were due a small break anyway. It's hard not being able to go and tour this new BirdPen album yet as that's where we really bring everything to life. Touring is where we make money to live from, so it's quite worrying not knowing when we will be able to get back out there so to speak, its left so many people in dire financial situations in so many trades and outlets around the world.

    I've been able to focus and keep making music during the last ten months or so working on remixes and a solo album which has really helped. I also run a lot as this is another true outlet for my mind. From the lockdowns, I've been able to spend so much time with my family. My kids have been incredible during this whole time. Homeschooling has taken a fair bit of my time up but has also been very rewarding. I've spent so much time inside I sometimes feel a little bit "Home institutionalised" in a way. Maybe I've become what we wrote about on this new album?

    Anne: As a fan, I am curious about your influences – musically and in general. Do you want to tell me some of them?

    "I have been listening to Swans a lot lately"

    Dave: For "All Function One" we were pretty inspired by Bobby Krlic's MidSummer soundtrack, I have also been listening to Swans a lot in the last year or so which I think has had a very positive impact. There are so many things we like its impossible to list them all.

    Anne:  Is there such thing like "The best album of all times"? If so: Which one is it for you?

    Dave: That's impossible! There are certain albums that had a massive impact on my life which a few are:

    • "Angel Dust" - Faith No More
    • "Dark Side Of The Moon" & "Animals" - Pink Floyd
    • "Feed Me Weird Things" - Squarepusher
    • "Mighty Joe Moon" - Grant Lee Buffalo
    • "A Northern Soul" - The Verve
    • "Abbey Road" - The Beatles
    • "Music Has The Right To Children" - Boards Of Canada
    • "Deserters Songs" - Mercury Rev
    • "Spirit Of Eden" - Talk Talk

    Anne:  What inspires you when writing new songs?

    "Everything can be inspiring"

    Dave: Whatever we get in our minds really. There are exciting subjects everywhere to discover. Look around and just from the news today you could write an album about it.

    Anne:  You had founded BirdPen in 2003. What has changed since then?

    Dave: Our hair and the number of guitars we've acquired over the years! We've also met some brilliant people and worked live with some real dudes that we've made great friendships with. Its always been a quite small setup which makes it quite personal in a way and we like it that way. Fans of BirdPen are great, and we've met so many great characters while out on the road.

    Anne:  You've made so many records and songs together and spent so much time with each other. Would you say that you've become a good team overtimes? I can imagine that these shared experiences can make you genuinely inseparable. Are you more like best friends or colleagues?

    "Mike and I have been making music for 26 years now"

    Archive @Docks Hamburg 2016-10-21Archive @Docks Hamburg 2016-10-21

    Dave: Mike and I have been in bands together since 1995! We've had a right laugh since then. We've both worked very hard at doing what we do, and we still need to carry on working hard. It's been a great ride so far! I don't think we would have lasted this long if we didn't get along.

    Anne:  Before we close, I want to ask one more general question. Just feel free to answer it. If you had the chance to change one thing in the world. What would it be?

    "We'll see you all in the lights"

    Dave: Nobody in the world should be denied food and water. It's fucking crazy that still now people starve and don't have fresh water to drink and decent food to eat when we literally piss it away and eat so much crap and throw away so much it's appalling.

    Anne:  What's up next for BirdPen? Looking forward to the release of "All Function One" I guess? What are your next steps after March 5th? We are delighted to be able to release this album and quite lucky we got to make it when we did. We aren't sure when we can tour it, but we keep saying to each other it'll be special when we can. We'll see you all in the lights, One day soon x

    PS: During the lockdown, BirdPen made a full semi Acoustic show that we made available to all our fans called "The Lockdown Sessions". It was a great thing to have done during the first lockdown and went down well with our fans who were all stuck indoors.

    Check it out here:

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