"Another Second Chance"
The New Baulta Album

Baulta have released their new album "Another Second Chance". With this record, the Finns manage to express everything we have experienced in the last few months – in a highly musical way.
For the total of five songs, the Baulta members were inspired by individual experiences of disorientation and loss of self. The band says it is a journey of beauty – from birth to the struggle of self-knowledge. On their Bandcamp page, Baulta write:
"Even the longest night will end, and the sun will rise."
They keep it with Mahatma Gandhi:
"Find yourself by losing yourself for others."
I have lost myself in Baulta's music before. "Another Second Chance" offers me another chance to do so, and it starts right away with the first track.
From fragile to energetic
"Third" makes me feel the icy cold and loneliness of a Finnish winter morning. The song carries me away and makes me wake up in another era. The strong and thoughtful piano playing invites me to dream.
"While The World Sleeps" tells, first with soft then with louder sounds, about this time when people don't wake up and watch what happens outside the window. With their hands tied behind their backs and their mouths shut. Alongside dark images, the song also resonates with the hope that we can break this spell and look forward to a brighter future than we might expect at the moment.
The playful "My Golden Cage" begins with breathy piano playing. From fragile to energetic, Esa (drums), Janne (bass), Liro (guitar), and Matti (guitar) fire off a perfect interplay of sounds, rhythms and subtlety here. I particularly like this song. It might just become my favourite track on the record. Especially the catchy middle part is really something.
"A journey of beauty"
All in all, "Another Second Chance" is a trip through the emotional worlds of an insecure society. Baulta are expressing things that remain inexpressible for all of us – without using any words. The fourth track on the album, "Hardly Even Here", also tells of them. The needle in the record groove triggers a wave of empathy.
"Long May Reign" is a successful finale for an exciting post-rock album that I will listen to repeatedly. Futuristic guitars surround the precisely played the drums. I give it a lot of points on the enjoyment scale. Please have a listen; it's worth it!
With their new album, Baulta have followed their desire to look inwards. The outcome is a highly inspiring record that perfectly captures many snapshots of the last year in notes. "Another Second Chance" is released on DUNK!records.