Being thankful for the rain
Mindfulness experience in spring

Today, I have prepared another mindfulness exercise for you. Since it is about an essential topic from nature, it fits in perfectly with spring. Today you are going to enjoy the rain.
Do you know those people who are always complaining when there are rainy days? I really tried to, but I don't understand their arguments. I always loved the rain. As a child, I always tried to jump from one puddle to the next. If there would have been an option to do so, I think I would have stayed outside forever in the rain.
I love the smell after hours of rain and the noise of the falling drops on the roof. I enjoy walking in the wet grass with bare feet and seeing the water pouring down the leaves of the flowers and trees. Everything seems so peaceful in these moments. The best thing about rain, especially in the springtime, is what comes afterwards. Nature seems to explode. Everything is growing, and there is no greener green in the world.
Enjoy the noise of the raindrops
After the rain comes life – this seems to be one thing, people sometimes tend to forget. Without rain, there won't be any food, life, hope or anything – Just a dead sad, grey and lonely planet full of dust, fear and concrete. Just try to think about this when there are rainy days, and you feel like there is no end to all this water. I swear: It makes you want to dance in the rain!
Grab your umbrella and hit the street. Go for a stroll and enjoy the fresh air. Fill your lungs till you feel like there is no space left. Breathe out slowly and enjoy the break until the air comes in again in its natural way.
Think about all the life that is possible only because there is rain. Listen to the raindrops on the street. Feel the humidity and enjoy the relaxation it gives your skin and hair. Breathe naturally, always with a warm smile on your lips. If you can't smile today: No worries. You can also smile on the inside. Relax your shoulders and your jar. Let your arms rest loosely beside your body.
Take a mindful break
Take a seat somewhere or stop walking beneath a tree, at a bus stop or on a bridge. Wherever and whenever you feel like to. Close your eyes. Breathe. Listen to the noises that surround you. Thank yourself for taking the time for this mindful walk.
Open your eyes. Go home or just keep walking. Enjoy your day!