"The Mess"
New Yagow Album In June

"The Mess" – new album by Yagow
Yagow are planning a release for June that really has it all. I have already listened to "The Mess", and I have to say that I am fascinated by the album's versatility. After "s/t" from 2017, "The Mess" is the second LP by the German band from Saarbrücken.
You can already watch the video for the pre-released track "Rise & Shine", made in the style of a crazy 1990ies teleshopping show. It fits perfectly with the overall psychedelic image that Yagow project.
Fuzzy Shoegaze
The song "Rise & Shine" is about our role within our capitalist society. The idea for the video came from Pascal and Tobi from Keine Zeit Medien. Pascal acted as a hair model for the shoot, which involved some of the band's friends – He even got a half-bald head for it! The result of the video session is absolutely worth watching.
For me, "The Mess" is a colourful walk through the ruins we leave behind by our existence on earth – a wild walk through legacies of neon-coloured plastic, wreckage melted reinforced concrete and candyfloss.
Yagow sends us on a journey through time
With their sound, Yagow invite us on a time-travel through the decades of the past century. Past the first attempts at rebellion by our great-grandparents' and parents' generation to our own excursions into the more confusing phases of our lives. Along the way, we pick up a few more softly drawn riffs that feel quite enchanting over bass amps.
With all its flourishing, the record isn't overloaded or bombastic in any way. I would describe it as the missing comfortably plushy note that we need so dearly in our times. Honestly, I wish there would be more of this very personal and playful music that stays in your head for a long time and lets you go at the right moment. Yagow do this pretty well.
Pleasantly psychedelic
Yagow's previous album was already psychedelic. "The Mess" takes it to the next level. A spiral of wild guitar passages in hypnotic shoegaze style awaits you. I like the Kyuss references pretty much. Please have a listen; I'm sure you'll also enjoy the stoner attitude touch.
I would describe the record as "pleasantly psychedelic". The album is kind of timeless, and it evokes memories at the same time. Yagow don't copy styles – not from other bands nor from their own musical past. They are doing their own thing and have developed since their first album.
Yagow follow a concept
Even though the title might sound like it: "The Mess" is anything but messy. The album follows a clear concept. From the sitar sound in the opener to the 1960ies organ elements in the third song, "Rise & Shine" to the shimmering guitar playing including Lou Reed-like vocals in the nine-minute finale "Getting Through – Is This Where The Magic Happens?", everything is very well planned. You won't find any endless jamming orgies, á la 1970ies or rehearsal room sound.
Bob de Wit and Koen Verhees recorded "The Mess" at Super Nova Studios in 2020. Dennis Jüngel did the mixing, and Philipp Welsing is responsible for the mastering. The artwork is by Daniel Fuchs and Manuel Wesely.
My conclusion: Neo-psychedelic at its best. Please have a listen.
You can pre-order "The Mess" here. The album will be released on June 18th.